Tuesday, August 28, 2007

We'rea Group!

I found out how to sign people up so they can add posts. I've sent some 'invitations' but if you haven't gotten yours yet, be patient for a couple days, then send me an email to let me know.
I found the camera and hopefully will get some pictures downloaded soon.

Monday, August 27, 2007

It's a Group!

I found out how to send invites to invite you all to be 'writers' on this blog. But I don't have everyone's email address. If you know of someone, or are someone, who wants to post things, send me an email or leave a comment! Let's see some party pictures!

The First Post!

I am trying to set up a blog so that everyone can share photos and stories about Mom and Dad V., especially from their 40th Anniversary party. I want to set this as a group blog, but I have to go find out how to do that now, LOL. Right now though, if you want to add something, try using my 'Goggle Account' as tracy-rob.mainwaring AT rogers DOT com and the password is momanddadv
Yeah, I'm so creative, LOL.
Also got to go find my camera!

Tracy M.